Ayurveda (Sanskrit, आयुर्वेद "the knowledge of life") is a traditional Indian healing art developed over millennia, considered the oldest health system in the world. It is based on principles of individual constitution types (Doshas), nutrition, lifestyle adjustments, herbal medicine, yoga practice, and massage. Ayurvedic massages use various techniques to balance energy flow, remove toxins, relax muscles, and calm the nervous system. These massages are tailored to the individual’s constitution type and can involve different oils and herbs.
Craniosacral therapy (from Latin "cranium" = skull, "sacrum" = sacrum) is a manual technique where the therapist perceives rhythmic movements of the cerebrospinal fluid primarily around the skull and sacrum and uses this as a basis for treatment. It is a holistic body therapy offering gentle impulses to strengthen innate health, supporting self-healing and the attainment of a new, healthy balance in the entire organism.
As humans, we need physical touch for our emotional well-being. Being held with heart-centered attention in an embrace calms the nervous system where words cannot reach. Many people experience "touch starvation," a craving for physical contact. Methods like "neuro-effective touch" focus on the healing power of simple human touch outside of relational contexts, aiming to make people feel safe, close, and cared for once again.
Energy work operates on the understanding that the fundamental information of all life originates from the subtle realm. Energetic bodywork helps to balance and harmonize the energies within the body. It supports the body's ability to activate self-healing powers and identifies the underlying causes and beliefs behind a symptom.
The holistic energetic massage combines various techniques from both Western and Eastern practices, incorporating the whole person, including the energetic perspective, into the process. It is a gentle, intuitive approach that revitalizes the entire system. This blend of methods, such as effective components of classical massage and acupressure, relaxes the entire body's muscles, gently affects the meridians (energy pathways) and chakras (energy centers), releases physical and emotional tensions, and regenerates the natural energy flow.
Classical physiotherapy focuses on restoring natural body functions, particularly the movement and functional ability of the musculoskeletal system. Energy-centered physiotherapy builds on this medical approach by also considering the person holistically: as an energetic, psycho-emotional, and soulful being whose physical symptoms may reflect deeper issues. This intuitive method is ideal for individuals with musculoskeletal pain who have not found relief through conventional medical treatments.
Kinesiology, as the word suggests, is concerned with the study of movement. It is based on the application of muscle tests, which are used as a means of communication and a manual tool in the therapeutic process. Kinesiology supports people in increasing their well-being, strengthening their mental abilities and recovering holistically. The method combines findings from Western medicine with the knowledge of Far Eastern teachings, such as those of the five elements or the teachings of the meridians. In the therapeutic process, the method uses the relationship between the muscles and the human organism to identify imbalances in the energy system and make changes tangible.
Polarity therapy, developed in 1945 by Dr. Randolph Stone, the osteopath, chiropractor and naturopath, combines Western medicine with Eastern healing methods such as Chinese medicine and mainly Ayurveda. The focus is on the human energy anatomy. Through gentle touch and conversation, blockages are released, the flow of energy is harmonized and self-healing is activated.
Polarity sees physical and emotional symptoms as signposts to deeper issues. The therapy promotes well-being, releases old patterns and helps people to take responsibility for their own health and find a deeper connection to their own core.

Process-oriented psychology, or process work, is a consciousness-based and non-pathologizing model for working with the entire spectrum of human experiences. It originates from the Jungian psychotherapeutic approach and supplements it with insights from quantum physics, Taoism, and shamanism. The method works with field consciousness, an inherent wisdom of nature that communicates - initially manifesting in subtle signals and impulses, unintentional communication, dreams, altered states of consciousness, symptoms, individual challenges, and in the tensions, conflicts, and creativity in relationships, organizations, and communities. Process work is a fluid approach that seeks to encounter the unknown in order to promote the drive for health, wholeness, and diversity hidden within disturbances.
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic approach that induces a deeply relaxed state of consciousness through guided relaxation and focused attention. This allows people to explore and address their unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In this state, people become more receptive to suggestions, enabling them to explore and address unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Through the sensitive guidance of a hypnotherapist, clients can access their inner resources, overcome limiting beliefs, and harness the power of their subconscious mind to promote positive changes and personal growth.
A coaching package that supports people in bringing their mission into the world. Becoming Coaching includes clarification, guidance, and creative execution (in words and images) to bring meaningful offerings into the world. For those who have a vision but are unsure how to holistically capture, define, express, or visualize it—or perhaps already have a website that does not reflect their essence—this coaching provides the necessary support. Becoming Coaching helps clarify and communicate brilliant ideas and unique projects so that they authentically reflect what underlies them in essence.
(Mindfulness-centred somatic therapy)
Hakomi is a gentle and powerful psychotherapeutic method that uses the state of consciousness of inner mindfulness for the therapeutic process. It creates a space for exploring one's own views and patterns and for creating new and healing experiences. The Hakomi method combines psychotherapy and systemic theory with Eastern philosophy and body-centered techniques.
Hakomi combines the following five principles: Inner mindfulness, unity, non-violence, self-organization and body-mind unity.
Trauma therapy is a specialized form of psychotherapy aimed at supporting individuals in processing and healing from traumatic experiences. It encompasses various therapeutic approaches to alleviate symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma-related difficulties. The process involves creating a safe and supportive space where individuals can explore and process their experiences. There are various approaches that accompany trauma—such as Somatic Experiencing, a body-centered approach to trauma work. The goal of trauma therapy is to improve the quality of life for those affected by helping them integrate traumatic memories and regulate their emotional and physical reactions.
Meditation is a practice aimed at calming the mind so that our true nature can reveal itself in silence. There are different approaches and techniques in various cultures. Ultimately, it is about being in connection with consciousness. Meditation encompasses techniques such as mindfulness, breath control, and concentration to strengthen awareness and raise consciousness. Through regular meditation, stress can be reduced, emotional balance promoted, and overall well-being improved. The practice helps to live in the present moment and find deeper access to inner wisdom. Meditation is ultimately a pathway to the Divine.

Some of our therapists have traversed a long spiritual path themselves, expanding and refining consciousness through years of meditative practice. From this transformed perception of reality emerges a different form of guidance regarding everyday challenges, compared to the classical purely psychological counselling. Here, interconnectedness is recognized, which is intimately related to the functioning of consciousness and the task of the soul. A deeply Intuitive, mediumistic work is done here, drawing from field consciousness and by working together, a truth is revealed, that makes the unconscious visible. This is especially recommended for individuals who feel an inner burning desire to delve into the core.
Working with the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine is a spiritual practice, not a binary understanding of identity on a personal level. It aims to restore balance and harmony between the two fundamental energies within each individual and to recognize these dynamics in the world. This practice acknowledges that both feminine and masculine archetypal and energetic aspects exist within every person, manifestation, and dynamic, carrying a very specific interplay within consciousness. Various traditions and cultures have different approaches, but fundamentally it is about honoring and harmonizing the wisdom and strengths of both principles. Primarily, it is Vedic, Tantric, Buddhist, and Shamanic traditions that engage with this cosmological understanding. This work supports personal and collective healing and contributes to deeper spiritual growth.
Shamanism is a spiritual practice that is widespread in many cultures worldwide, with each culture having its own specific approaches and rituals. What all shamanic traditions have in common is the ability to draw information from subtle levels of existence and to express them. Shamans act as mediators between the physical and spiritual worlds to obtain healing, guidance, and wisdom. This practice often includes dream-like visions, rituals, herbal medicine, and connection with spirit beings. Shamanism aims to restore balance and harmony within the individual and the community.
Shamanism is a spiritual practice that is widespread in many cultures worldwide, with each culture having its own specific approaches and rituals. What all shamanic traditions have in common is the ability to draw information from subtle levels of existence and to express them. Shamans act as mediators between the physical and spiritual worlds to obtain healing, guidance, and wisdom. This practice often includes dream-like visions, rituals, herbal medicine, and connection with spirit beings. Shamanism aims to restore balance and harmony within the individual and the community.