galen menzel

“Mankind will not perish for want of information; but only for want of appreciation. The beginning of our happiness lies in the understanding that life without wonder is not worth living . What we lack is not a will to believe but a will to wonder.”
― Abraham Joshua Heschel

Online sessions (via Zoom):
60 min | 120.-
90 min | 180.-
Bereits als Kind faszinierte mich der menschliche Körper und seine eigene Welt eindrücklicher Funktionsweisen. Ich beobachtete Menschen in ihrer Körpersprache und erkannte intuitiv wenn etwas ausser Balance war. So konnte ich die Probleme in den Körpern wahrnehmen und verfolgen. Da ich nie physische Berührungsängste kannte und gerne über meine Hände in Kontakt gehe, konnte sich eine Energie entfalten, welche mir meine Mitmenschen als goldene Hände betitelten. In meinen Worten liebe ich es einfach Selbstheilungsprozesse zu (re-)aktivieren und Menschen in die ihnen innewohnenden Kräfte und Potentiale zu begleiten. Ich freue mich mit dir zu arbeiten und Wege aufzutun, welche dir Wohlbefinden, Erlösung und Freude schenken.
Living in Kali Yuga, the way through this is to discover again how to truly appreciate life. Whatever the current state of technology we live in a dark age- the signs are all over: however productive we become, the basic problems of living in dignity remain unedressed and become worse. We are at a all time high of productivity, but appreciation for life is at a all time low. The task at hand, the question of human survival is not about more tech, but about learning to appreciate living, learning to properly acknowledge the gift of being alive. what does it mean to conduct ourselves in dignity, to really grow up? how to stop rushing around and truly be together? With these questions in mind... when i work with someone we begin to re-collect/remember our lost reverence for living through understanding ourselves and our place in the universe/karmic trajectories better.
People who are miserable and do not know why, who are locked in relational patterns they dont know how to get out of, people whos lives feel empty, people who experience shifts in consciousness, who are at the brink of frightening change, who grief and want to learn to love life. I am happy to give you guidance and news perspectives about old problems and the reality you are living.
A lot of transformation comes from disasters that are misunderstood, because the highest purpose of our own personal existance isnt recognized. Getting a higher cosmic perspective onto your mundane daily problems of your life is what I offer with heart and passion.
Whatsapp: +1 (707) 331-9012